~Welcome to Tanya's world~
Tanya's world

A lil about me

Carl's page

My pics

My pics pt 2

My pics pt 3

Contact Page

Guest Book


~My world~

I made this website so you can get to know me, my family, and friends a little more. I hope you enjoy all my pages. I have 7 pages all together. They include: my home page, about me page, a photo page, a contact me page, and a guestbook, a photo 2 page, and a custom page where you can read about the man in my life. Thanks for stopping by and please sign the guest book just to say or tell me what you think about my site.

~My family~

First and for most is my daughter. She is the greatest person that ever came into my life. She is the reason I look forward to waking up every morning. She is only 4yrs old, but she acts like she's 21 lol. She is nothing like me. She is such a girly girl, and I am a tom boy lol. One thing I know as a parent is you never know "true love" until you look into your first born childs eyes for the first time. At that moment nothing else matters. Now onto my sister. We are a year and a half apart, but we are very close. I live with her, and she helps me out. We have been through a lot, but always make it through somehow. Love ya Kel. Last, but certainly not least is my grandmother. She is the greatest woman I ever met. She raised me, and couldn't have asked for anyone better to teach me everything I needed to know. She never gave up on me no matter how bad things got. She was there for me not only physically, but emotionally as well. If it wasn't for her I don't know where I'd be. RIP January 9th 1924- June 15th 1999.

Tan's Community Corkboard






Teen pregnancy

~My friends~

Ok onto my friends now lol. I started talking to my friend Shannon online back in December 2003. We met through my daughter's dad, and hit it off from the start. We haven't met yet in person yet because she lives kinda far from me, but we have gotten close regardless. She is a really wonderful person. I love her to death. We can sit and talk for hours and laugh about the dumbest things, but thats what makes our relationship great. We have had our ups and downs like any friendship does, but we always get through it somehow. Shan, thanks for being a great friend and always being there when I needed you. Love ya chic. You rock!!

~My girl~

This part is for my girl Crystal. I have known her 18yrs now. She is a very wonderful person. A lot of friends have came and went, but I can always count on her to always be there. I'd be lost without her. It amazes me how far we have come with our friendship. After all we've been through together over the 18yrs our friendship has grown stronger with each passing year. Around her I can be myself. She doesn't expect me to act a certain way. She lets cry, vent, or do whatever I need to to feel better. She is my strength when I feel I can't handle it anymore. Girl we made it 18yrs, and I'm looking forward to 18 more. Love ya chic. Thanks for always being there for me. I'll always be there for you.

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