All about Tanya
Tanya's world

A lil about me

Carl's page

My pics

My pics pt 2

My pics pt 3

Contact Page

Guest Book

My life

On this site you will learn a lil about me, my life, my family, and friends. Woooohooo lol. Well, to start off my name is Tanya. I am a 23yr old female from Ohio. I have a beautiful four year old daughter. She is my little miracle baby. I thank God everyday for her. I was told as a teenager that I wouldn't be able to have children, because of my disability. I have a disability called Cerebral Palsy, but when I was 18 I found out I was pregnant. It wasn't luck that brought her to me, it was a miracle. She is the reason I look forward to waking up every morning. I will have a photo page on here also, so the whole world can enjoy my lil angel. Thank you for taking time to view my pages. I hope you enjoy them. God Bless!!!!

Things I enjoy in my spare time

Ok here are some things I like to do in my spare time. I like to go to the movies, dinner, bowling, camping, spend time with family, and friends. My family and friends are very important to me. I enjoy spending every second I can with my family and friends. Especially my girl Crystal, but you'll learn more about her later on, and her picture will be posted on here also.

Well, that concludes the information for this page, but check out my other pages for more info, photos, and links. Also please take my poll below before you go. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the rest.

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