Tanya's photo page
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Pictures of me, my family, and friends

I hope you enjoy all of my pictures!!!!

This is my daughter last summer 2003...isn't she a cutie... my baby

This is my baby this summer at her cousins b-day party

My baby again... God I love her

My daughter and I back in January of 2004

My mom... taken July of 2004

This is my friend Eric... he's more like a brother to me... isn't he a cutie lol

This is my girl Crystal... she is my best friend of 18yrs... love ya chic

This is my neice Jess... she's 15... love ya chic

Tyce proud to be an American

My friend Jess... I've known her 18yrs also... she has cp like me... love ya chic

This is my adopted nephew Lee... he dated my neice Jess... love ya Lee, but bad habit lol

Left is Dusty.. he doesn't look that evil in person I swear lol.. Right without a shirt is Lee... oooo sexy sexy Lee lol

This is my friend Shannon.. we haven't known each other long or even met in person yet, but she's great.. love ya chic

Shan being silly

Shan being cute lol

This is my mans tattoo... I love it... It says "Die happy"... He's so damn sexy and he's all mine... I love u baby <3

This is my step daughter Selene... she's 2... sorry it's kinda blurry, but it's the only one I have for now... love you Selene :-*

This is my nephew baby John.. he's 4.. him and my daughter are 28 days apart.. Bridgettes older.. baby John is in his dance costume here.. isn't he cute lol

This is me... sorry I scared you so bad lol

This is me before I cut my hair... no I'm not growing that long again lol

Me and my girl Crystal... taken January 2004... I was sick in this picture... it sucked lol

On the left is my nephew Tyce.. he's 8.. on the right is his brother John.. he's 4

Here's the boys in their favorite character's mask.. aren't they adorable

Cowboy John.. yeeeehaw lol

Look out Spiderman is on the prowl lol

Rey Mystereo is no. 1 lol

The boy's riding their bikes at Nannies.. July 2004

Tyce and John July 2004

Boys showing their American spirit

John proud to be an American