~My photos part 2~
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Here's some new pics I recently got

These pics are of me, my boyfriend, family, and friends

My boyfriend and I

This is Carl and I. He's my sweetheart. Don't we look good together? I love you baby!!!

~Carl & Bridgette~

This is my boyfriend and my daughter. This was taken 10-16-04. There is 2 more of them  that will be on here that was taken the same day.

~Carl & Bridgette 2~


~Carl & Bridgette 3~


~The love of my life aka Carl~

This is the man that stole my heart. MMMM lookin damn sexy there babe. ;)

~Carl 2~

This is one of my fav. pics of him. I love him in that shirt. ;) Damn, I love u sweetie.

~Mom & Bridgette~

I don't like my smile here, but we were being goofy. So, it fits the moment.