~My pics part 3~
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Here are some pics of Carl, Selene, my daughter Bridgette, and our nephews and neice



This pic was taken October 28th... we were getting ready to go trick or treating... She was a cheerleader... GO BRIDGETTE!!!

~Bridgette 2~


~Carl & the girls~

Here's Carl looking like Marilyn Manson with our girls


Here is my beautiful step daughter dressed as a bunny rabbit... she ended up having to go as a fairy though because her bunny ears wouldn't stay on... she's cute no matter what

~Carl, Bridgette, and Selene 2~



~Carl & Selene~

I love this pic of them... it turned out great

~Carl & Selene 2~

Here they are again... I'm not sure what she was looking at... she's just silly, but God knows I love her, Bridgette, and Carl with all my heart

~Carl & Selene 3~

Look at them... aren't they just so damn cute... I'm a sucker for blue eyes and Selene, Carl, and Bridgette all have the most beautiful blue eyes I ever saw



Here is a pic of Selene... sorry it's kinda dark and blurry, but she's still a cutie

~Me & Bridgette~

Here is a pic of me and Bridgette just being silly


Mmmmm mmnmm isn't he just so damn sexy... sorry he's all mine :D

~Sara, Corbin, & Corey~

Here is a pic Carl's sister Vicki sent us of her kids... she is very beautiful and sweet and so is her family... I can't wait to meet her and her family

~Me & Carl~

I sent these 2 pics of us to my friend Shannon and she put them side by side and wrote the sayings on them for me... Thanks Shan ur the greatest